Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Can I have another Internet please? This one is Boring.

The Irish Blogosphere just got a little bit more boring today as everyone who's anyone is again banging on about the fucking recession. Economic treason this, robbing cunts that. Hasn't this all been said a million times before by a million other people with the exact same results i.e. a lot of steam off the Comment Section Brown-Nose Monkey Brigade but fuck all in the real world.

This recession is everywhere. It's on the radio, it's on the TV, it's on the newspapers and now it's on every fucking blog in the country worth reading. God damn. I go online to escape from that shit not read the same thing that's in the papers except with 'cunt' thrown it. Yawn.

And what's all this talk doing?

Fuck. All.

Unless people actually go out and do something about these treasonous cunts, these robbing cunts, then all it is is talk. Boring, circular, do nothing talk that's the equivalent of throwing knobs of your own shit at an oncoming train.

And do you know what's weird? Blogs that stemmed directly from the recession i.e. The Unemployed, manage to avoid all this bombastic, rise-up-people-rise-up shit to the point where it's one of the few things left on the Irish blogosphere these days that isn't gleefully munching on it's own arsehole, that and the ever entertaining Arse End of Ireland.

There's a good few more but I won't bother my arse listing 'em. You know who they aren't at any rate.


  1. Why thank you, good sir. I rather fear you flatter me somewhat as I am guilty of the occasional whine about the economy. I am angry about it and I do blame the Government. But you're right. There is a lot of lazy revolutionary talk out there that doesn't propose anything as an alternative. And just what do we have as an alternative? Enda? I think not.

    I'm not calling for a new government as I think this is their fuck up to fix. But I would like just a basic recognition within FF that they to some extent caused the recession and left this country uniquely susceptible to a global slowdown.

    Oops, I accidentally made your blog boring. Sorry about that.

  2. Boring? Pish posh, old bean, these are reasoned points you're making. It's educational. That's why I like the Unemployed Blog. No verbal pitchfork waving. That's a good thing.

    Can you imagine the Enda as Taoiseach? Going from the Ugliest World leader in Biffo to potentially the most boring in the Endatron? We'll either have the world flinching away in disgust or falling asleep at their desks.

    Gilmore for Taoiseach, if you ask me. At least when he goes to the EU we'll have the most frustrated looking man there. He might not get anything done, but fucking hell, no one could match him for eyeballing technique and raw, unfiltered indignation.
